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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Brazil - 1 March, 2002



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Car park, Praia da Pipa S06º13.705' W035º03.213' 27  m
Finish Car park, Praia da Pipa S06º13.705' W035º03.213' 27  m -

Leg 3 Total:

3,937 km

Leg 2 Total:

12,140 km

Leg 1 Total:

9,010 km


771 km

Grand Total:

25,858 km


Weather: Mostly clear, sunny and very hot.  Warm at night.



We spend the day down at the beach.  After a quick breakfast at the truck, we head down to the beach.  This morning the tide is out and the beaches stretch far down the coast under the tall cliffs that line the sea shore here.


Brazil02_Pipa1_Beach_C448_Web.jpg (61426 bytes)

Our first goal is the beach where it is possible to see dolphins.  We find some small bushes to hide from the sun and sit down and read and take it easy.  We have our binoculars with us and we scan the waters for the dolphins.  We are not disappointed - they come and put on a bit of a show for us.  The best part is watching them surf on the waves - they seem to be enjoying themselves.


Lars goes for a run on the beach and then we wander back o town to get a bite to eat for lunch.  It is odd, but many of the places are closed, so we just have a quick bite at a hamburger stand.  Then it is back to the beach.  We return to the part of the beach with the bars, where we order a few drinks and just sit back and relax.


But we cannot relax for too long - the tide starts to come in.  So, instead of just giving into the inevitable, we decide to build some fortifications to keep back the waters.  It works for a while, but then we need to retreat to the bar when the ever rising waters overrun our fortifications and threaten to wash away our chairs.  As the sun sets we return to the car park camp site.


It is another relaxing night at the camp.  We have dinner and the hang around chatting for a while.  We also spend some time reading - both of are reading books that are hard to put down, so we retire to our tent and read in bed using the light from our torches.  There is also a nice night sky full of stars, so we spend some time watching it through our tents roof.


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