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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Flight SQ26 from Frankfurt to JFK

31 July, 2000


SQ00_FRAJFK_Jac_Cake_331.jpg (571244 bytes) Flying from Frankfurt to JFK, New York, we upgraded to First in order to celebrate Jacqui's birthday in style.  Here she is getting her birthday cake, along with some Dom Perignon.
SQ00_FRAJFK_Jac_Dinner_333.jpg (567792 bytes) We then had a very good dinner.
SQ00_FRAJFK_Cockpit_337.jpg (593230 bytes) We were able to go up to the cockpit and ...
SQ00_FRAJFK_Cockpit_JFKlanding_336.jpg (620085 bytes) have front row seats for the landing into JFK.


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