With some foresight, no group
activities were planned for today, the day "after", until well into the
afternoon. This gave those that had imbibed a bit too much the night
before some time to recovery and recuperate. Jacqui needed a bit more
time than Lars, so Lars headed down for breakfast just before 9 AM and met
up with a few of the others also having a leisurely breakfast. |
Everyone had their own activities
sorted out and Lars went out to explore the town. Part of the time I
joined up with Olaf and Steffi and at other times we went our own way.
We first wandered down Market Street turning into City Road and ending up at
the Royal and Ancient Golf Club. The streets are empty this morning -
it is like the place shut down. It is only when we get to the golf
club that we see some activity. Many of the players taking part in the
Open starting tomorrow are getting in a few practice rounds. We try
not to disturb them too much!!! |
At this point Lars heads off to
take a look at the golf museum. They actually have quite an extensive
set of displays and it gives a good overview of the game and it's history.
It takes longer than expected to meander one's way through the snaking
halls. |
From here, Lars walks back down
the length of the town to the ruin of a castle and cathedral. Other
than the golf, the two other main attractions in town are ruins. But
very nice ones to wander through. Lars takes most of the time to
wander around the grounds of the former cathedral. There is very little of
it left, but they have done a good jobs trying to convey a sense of the
grandness of the original building. |
As usual with these places, some
of the most interesting things to check out are the tombstones - it is
fascinating to get a glimpse into the lives of these people who lived so
long ago - when they were born and when they died, how big was their family,
maybe even where they came from and what they did. And some of the
carvings are very elaborate and intricate. |
After a few minutes of laying
back on the grass and contemplating life in this tranquil surroundings, it
is time to head back to the hotel to see what Jacqui is up to. She is
doing well and up and about. It is time for lunch, so we decide to go
buy a few sandwiches and snacks and head back to the cathedral grounds for a
picnic lunch. It is a great spot and the weather (other than for the
brisk wind) is cooperating. |
Soon it was time to head back to
the hotel - we had to get ready for the one activity that was planned for
the day. Namely afternoon tea at the St. Andrews Golf Hotel. we all
meet at the lobby of our little hotel and walk over to the Golf Hotel.
We pretty much have the whole front room to ourselves and we take the
liberty of re-arranging all the tables and chairs so that we can all sit
down together in a big circle. |
At first they bring out these big
trays and bring them around to serve everyone, but soon we persuade them to
leave the trays with the food on a side table and we will go and help
ourselves. Much more relaxed and effective. We spend about two
hours having our tea and we all stuff ourselves - we do not need much for
dinner after that. |
After our very filling tea, some
head back to the hotel and others decide to go for a short walk around town.
We head over to the golf course and check out what is happening there. It is a pleasant, but cool and
brisk, evening and we stroll around the 18th hole and watch some of the
golfers practice for the Open. Many are practicing their sand shots,
trying to get out of the deep bunkers. |
As it starts to get too cold, we
slowly start to make our way back to the hotel. Once back there,
everyone has decided that it is time to go out for a bite and a pint.
We have the usual problem - finding a place for a group of our size and that
will allow a young child. |
In the end, we split up into two
groups. The one group decides that solid food is more important and go
and get take-away pizza. The second group has less need for solid
nourishment and decides to go for the liquid one and finds a pub where we
can all squeeze around one table. As usual, one pint (or one bottle of
white wine) turns into a second and then a third. We have a very good
time in there. |
But soon we must head back to the
hotel. On the way back, we decide to pick up some fish and chips and
bring back to the hotel with us. We join the others in the lounge, and
eat our fried food and wash it down with some more wine. Once again
the hotel is kind enough to let us use their lounge and consume our own food
and wine. |
When we retire for the evening,
we say our goodbyes to the Norwegian contingent. They will be getting
up very early in the morning (like 2 or 3 AM). Once back in our room,
we spend some time packing our bags (as per one of the usual rules of traveling, the longer you stay in
one place, the longer it takes to re-pack). |