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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Germany - 17 July, 2004



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Ohlstedt, Hamburg (Steffi and Olaf's place) . . . .
Finish Ohlstedt, Hamburg (Steffi and Olaf's place) . . . -

Total (BMW 330CiC)

12,128 km

Total (other):

5,000 km


17,128 km


Weather: Mostly clear, sunny and very hot (around 30°C).



The main difference about today as compared to our other days in Hamburg is the weather.  The clouds have cleared, the sun is out in force and the temperature has jumped to 30+°C.  Today is Saturday, so Steffi and Olaf do not have to head out to work.  After Lars goes for his morning run, we all sit down for a long brunch.  These brunches are very enjoyable.  They have stocked up on a wide variety of breakfast and lunch foods (many typical of Germany) with a wide selection of breads.  We stuff ourselves.


The at around 12:30, we decide to head into town and walk around.  The weather is just great for wandering the streets, doing some shopping and have a beer.  And that is what we do.  Especially after the shopping we do (or rather the wives do), the beer we have at the outdoor festival is very refreshing.  The late afternoon is spent doing some grocery shopping - stocking up for our trip back up to Norway.  Then Steffi and Olaf drop us off at Steve and Jenny's place, as we will be meeting them again for dinner.


We call up to the apartment, and they say they will be right down.  Their penthouse apartment has gotten a bit too hot during this late start to the summer.  We have decided to have some German food, so we walk to the nearby restaurant that serves southern German food.  We are able to find some outdoor seats and in the shade with the breeze it is very comfortable.


We have a very nice dinner - typical German food, washed down with a few beers.  We have some great conversation and catch up on the old times.  Then we decide to head back to their apartment for a drink.  We are pleased to discover that it has cooled down.  We try out a few different single malts - and have some great conversation.  But we soon have to leave - we need to catch the last train back to Ohlstedt.  We catch the midnight train and after a few changes we arrive in Ohlstedt.  The streets, however, are not quiet.  There seems to be a bit of a party going on at one of the hotels, and a few of the inebriated people have spilt out on to the road and sidewalks.  But we make it back unmolested - they are all harmless.


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