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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Germany/Denmark - 19 July, 2004



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Schleswig (Bed & Breakfast am Dom) N54º30.838' E009º34.268' 9 meters .
German-Danish Border . . . .
Ribe . . . .
Lisbjerg, Århus Nord, Denmark (Århus Nord Camping) N56º13.630' E010º09.855' 78 meters .
Århus . . . .
Finish Lisbjerg, Århus Nord, Denmark (Århus Nord Camping) N56º13.630' E010º09.855' 78 meters 345 km

Total (BMW 330CiC)

12,600 km

Total (other):

5,000 km


17,600 km


Weather: Partly cloudy, sunny and warm (about 20°C).  In the evening clear, sunny and cool.



We have a lazy morning, laying in bed for a while before getting ready for our breakfast provided by the B&B.  After breakfast, we go for a short walk around the town and then load up our car and head off.  On the way out of town we stop first at a bottle shop to stock up on some more booze and then at a petrol station for fuel for our car.  And then we drive north on the highway.  We cross into Denmark shortly before 1 PM.


Our first destination in Denmark is Ribe.  Ribe is the oldest town in Denmark - founded in 700 AD as a Viking trading place.  The town is filled with a large number of 17th century buildings for three reasons.  No major fire has occurred since 1580, the town lost its economic importance in the middle of the 17th century and the town council was farsighted enough in 1963 to issue a preservation order covering the entire core of the old town.


So, we spend a couple of hours wandering around this living museum to the past.  The old town is filled with timber framed houses, cobble stone streets and an old feel to it.  We park our car at the central location just outside the old town and walk in.  We check out the streets and the buildings and the cathedral.  We find a nice restaurant with tables outside and sit down and enjoy the summer weather.


After lunch we continue our wandering, slowly making our way back to the car.  Once back at the car, we continue on our way north.  Our next destination is Århus.  It takes us about two hours to drive there.  We have picked up some guidebooks and we know where some campsites are located.  So, it is not too stressful to find a place to stay for the night.  We pick a place north of Århus and book a cabin for the night.  After we have dropped off our stuff, it is time to head into town.


On the way into town, we find a supermarket where we pick up some food to keep us going over the next few days.  Then we make our way into the city, stopping at one of the many parking lots that dot the town just outside the old town core.  From here we walk into the old town, making our way down to the pedestrian area and the cathedral.


From here we come upon the canal with its countless bars, restaurants, cafes and watering holes lining the embankment.  We are spoiled with choice for dinner.  In the end, we just have to pick one.  We find a place with a nice outdoor table with good views for both of us of the crowds walking by.  A great place to enjoy some people watching.  We have a light, but enjoyable, dinner.


From here, we carry on exploring the old part of town.  Around 10 PM we decide that it is time to head back to our small little hut.  This is not one of our better huts that we have stayed in, but we had decided to splurge and have dinner out, so it did not matter too much.


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