Bespolka Home Page   Russia and Mongolia 2003


The Travels of

Jacqui and Lars


Trans-Russia and Mongolia 2003  -

Kamchatka Trek Group Photos


The group taken on location over breakfast at the Petropavlovsk Hotel

in Petropavlovsk, Kamchatka on 13 July, 2003:



From left to right:


David, Annie, Franklin, Bernadette, Gabor,

Andras, Csilla, Penny (hidden), Alain, Jacqui and Daniel



The group taken on location at dinner at a dacha on the Kamchatka River

near the Milkovo Settlement in Kamchatka on 13 July, 2003:



From left to right:


Franklin, Penny, Bernadette (hiding from the bugs), Alain, Annie,

Csilla, Gabor, David, Daniel, Andras and Jacqui



The group taken on location at the volcanoes of

central Kamchatka, Russia on 21 July, 2003:



From left to right:

-  Standing:  Lars, Penny, Bernadette, Franklin, Annie, Alain, Grisha, Victor (chef extraordinaire),

 Lena (translator), Artem (guide), Misha (porter), Igor (guide)

-  Kneeling:  Daniel, David, Gabor, Andras, Jacqui and Csilla


Bespolka Home Page   Russia and Mongolia 2003

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