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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Russia - 10-11 September, 2003



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Khabarovsk (Hotel Tourist) N48º28.198' E135º03.357' 14 meters .
Khabarovsk Airport . . . .
Aboard Asiana flight OZ571 . . . .
Seoul Inchon Airport . . . .
Aboard Singapore Airlines flight SQ15 . . . .
Singapore Changi Airport . . . .
Finish Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia . . . .

Total (by train):

13,496 km

Total (Mongolia):

2,880 km

Total (Kamchatka):

1,339 km

Total (other):

1,220 km


18,935 km


Weather: Overcast, rain and cool/warm.



This is our last day in Russia and we have a very lazy morning.  We spend lots of time lazing around in bed and squeeze in some time to pack our bags.  For lunch we have the leftovers from our chicken dinner and then head down to check out and catch our ride to the airport.  We get to the airport shortly after 1 PM and queue up to catch the weekly flight to Seoul.  We are lucky and are able to check-in at the business class counter - otherwise the wait would have been long.  We have to pay airport tax and, as we had spent our last Rubles, we have to change a few more dollars.


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Customs and immigration were smooth and then we had to wait for about an hour in the gate lounge before boarding the plane.  We spend the rest of the day flying to Singapore via Seoul.  The flights are uneventful and we enjoy some of the movies that we have missed on our travels.  We arrive in Singapore at 1 AM and we decide to go and visit Jacqui's friend Carol.  We wake them up in the middle of the night and after spending some time chatting catching up on things, we collapse in bed.  The next day we spend hanging out in Singapore.  The highlight is heading off to one of our favorite hawker centers and getting our S$2 chicken rice and poh piah (spring rolls).  We had missed our flavors of Singapore - it had been too long.


In the later afternoon we head back to Singapore Changi Airport and catch our short flight up to Kuala Lumpur.  It is good to arrive home.


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