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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Russia - 26 July, 2003



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Petropavlovsk (home stay - Svetlana) N53º04.026' E158º37.597' 182 meters .
Petropavlovsk airport . . . 25 km (by car)
Vladivostok Air flight 388 . . . .
Vladivostok airport . . . .
Finish Vladivostok (Hotel Vladivostok) N43º07.091' E131º52.665' 0 meters 35 km (by car)

Total (by train):

766 km

Total (Kamchatka):

1,339 km

Total (other):

199 km


2,284 km


Weather: Clear, sunny and cool in Petropavlovsk.  In Vladivostok overcast and cool.  In the afternoon, partly cloudy, sunny and hot.  Cool overnight.



Today we leave the beautiful land of Kamchatka and head back to Vladivostok, where we will begin our Tran-Siberian journey.  Our flight is early, at 7:30 AM.  While we are told to be there two hours ahead of time, Andrei says no problem.  He will picks us up at 6 AM.  We hope we have no problem.  In the end, things are much smoother than at Vladivostok airport.  Many people seem to have shown up around the same time.  We go through a security check and then go and check-in.  Our checked bags weigh a total of 39 kg - just under our allowance.  We then wait for the boarding call.  No other hassles.  No one checks our hand bags.  No officials asking for documents or vouchers.  Much better and more relaxed.


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We board the plane just after 7 AM.  We head out to the plane in a bus, and approach ramp on foot.  It is beautiful out, with the clear skies and the sun rising just behind the two volcanoes that over shadow the city.  The plane is the same type on the way in - a TU-154, but they seem to have squeezed in a few more seats this time.  But we have a pleasant flight.  The interior is cool from the night air.  The flight attendants are friendly.  There are not too many bags in the overhead racks that we have to worry about flying around if we have turbulence.  The meal is just not too our liking.


After three hours of flying and two time zones, we land in Vladivostok at 8:30 AM, pretty much on time.  After our documents (and voucher) are checked, we take the bus to the exit and are met by our driver.  Similar system here - you stand around outside and wait for the baggage room to be open.  This takes some time and once the doors open, the crowd rushes in.  Our bags are one of the last and there is a mad crush at the one door guarded by a lady who checks the baggage tags with those on the bags.  Chaos is caused by a group of Japanese tourists, when all their tags are on one page and the lady has a tough time matching them up.


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Then a pleasant 45 minute drive into the city.  We get to the Vladivostok Hotel at 10:15 AM and after a bit of a wait due to computer problems and huge tour groups from China, we get a room on the seventh floor.  It is nice that they let us check in early.  We settle into our rooms, collect our left luggage and then decide to head out for something to eat.


We wander around a bit.  Have a few snacks.  Check out the open air Saturday market (nothing special) at the main square by the White House, check our email at the internet cafe (takes some time as we have not checked for over two weeks) and then do some grocery shopping before heading back to the hotel.  Along the way, as we walk up the hill to the hotel, we notice a number of warships, including a submarine, anchored in the gulf.  It turns out tomorrow is the Russia Navy Fleet day.  We take some pictures of the ships and then return to the hotel.


Back at the hotel, we work on our journals and organise our bags for the next two legs of our trip - the train to Mongolia and our jeep trip in Mongolia.  The weather has improved, with the sun shining, so we think it is time to head out.  We head down to the beach and sit at one of the tables and have a beer and some munchies as we people watch.  Still an interesting past time here.  It is Saturday evening, so lots of people are wandering about.  This time, while they are dressed sexily, the ladies seemed to be dressed more sensibly with long pants and dresses.


Then it is time to head off to dinner.  We decide to return to Nostalgia Restaurant for some more Russian food.  As with our previous experience, it is very good and we enjoy our dinner.  It is fairly busy tonight.  After dinner, we decide to return to our room and relax.  But maybe we should have stayed out - at around 11 PM a fire works display commences.  We can see half of it from our window - very nice.


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